Tänavjärve campfire site

Harju County, Nõva Recreation Area
Lake Tänavjärv is a unique lake with sandy shores, situated in the bog and mire. The lake is rich in rare water plants and therefore a protected site. The lake is mainly fed by precipitation. The surrounds of the lake have been damaged by several forest fires. Campfire site is on the eastern shore of Lake Tänavjärv.
Phone+372 506 2004
Type of objectCampfire site
Parking facilitiesParking for max 20 cars
Amenities5 outdoor fireplaces with grillrest, 5 picnic tables with shelter, woodshed, 6 trash cans and 2-stall dry toilet
Camping facilities yes
Wheelchair accessibility Invatoilet
SightsGood fishing lake
Berries and mushroomsCranberries, mushrooms
Additional information
Restrictions Located in Läänemaa Suursoo Lanscape Reserve. Information about restrictions can be obtained from the Environmental Board (+372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee).
LocationLääne-Harju municipality, Harju County
Object no 2 on recreation area map
Driving directionsDrive 47 km from Tallinn through Keila towards Haapsalu and turn right at the Määra road junction (sign “Nõva 29 km”). Drive 17 km towards Nõva, turn left (sign “Tänavjärv”) and drive 10 km to Tänavjärve campfire site. 
Geographic coordinatesLong-Lat WGS 84
latitude: 59.184314
longitude: 23.830991
L-EST 97 x: 6560659 y: 490338